Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Hey guys, comments are welcomed and encouraged.


There is a new breed of website, the mashup. IFTTT, Yahoo PIPES, apple Automator. These services all create something that is greater than the sum of their parts. IFTTT has mastered ease of use while Yahoo pipes is heavy back end programming for website automation. Apple automator allows for computer based automation and is slowly growing capabilities that reach out to the outside world.

 I think the future of the mashup is where they can integrate with the physical world. For instance using an UP wristband that monitors quantity of sleep, and a withings scale to monitor body composition, that both report to a google spreadsheet can create meaningfull information for a person about their life. Sitting back you can then look at your sleep paterns and how your body is doing and easily gather trends that normally would be hidden by daily life.

The ability to turn outlets on and off with rules from web services is exciting. There are lots of example recipes on IFTTT about Philips Hue bulbs creating lighting effects in response to social media interactions.

These services all allow for the world to become more contextual filled with the information we produce. I can't wait for more!

home security automation

IFTTT has got me thinking about the potential for home automation especially with hobby level robotics. A simple quadcopter that is enabled for indoor flying with a camera on it could easilly patrol the inside of your home. For houses a simple landing platform for the quadcopter under the eve of the roof equiped with a charging connection could provide an automious outdoor patrol craft. Observe and report. The most powerful capability of a security guard could be automated into little robots.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Tacos by Quadcopter!

This may be a story created simply to raise public awareness to the idea of delivery bots but if the company does in fact have plans to bring their idea to fruition this will be the first step. The end of 2013 brings the opportunity for the FFA to allow drone technology for commercial purposes. Heres hoping that the FAA decides to allow businesses to harness this exciting technology for every imaginable purpose. 

Day after the Singularity

Thinking today about what happens the day after the singularity happens. Im my mind it looks like us waking up and realizing the technology that we have invested into for so long is now able to invest back into us. The challenges and questions that we will be forced to address at this point will sound like  "what do we do now?". When we solve all every problem that currently exists, disease, hunger, violence, and all other manor or problem what will drive us forward? I think these things are very exciting but troublesome.