Friday, November 9, 2012

DNA candy shop

Bear with me: a few ideas.

#1Fixing our DNA - we now have the ability to change our DNA

And a sampling of the candy store of traits:

high altitude adaptation - Tibeten high altitude genetic adaptation

regrow limbs -

longevity gene -

cancer immunity -

Ok,  I completely acknowledge that this is not something that we are able to actually execute today. The point that I believe is so important is for the first time in human history we have the tools and the knowledge to fundamentally rewrite the code that our bodies function on. And yes there will be mistakes and problems hopefully we will avoid the tragedies and catastrophes.

What I anticipate is that these augmentations will start to be perused faster than anyone anticipates, completely out-pacing legislation and the global scientific and academic community's ability to evaluate all the dangers lurking around the corners. This sort of technology is fundamentally destabilizing because we would have the ability to make industries irrelevant. Which is incredibly exciting, however, also dangerous. Whenever you threaten the interests of any large powerful industry, corporation, or nation you will inevitably get pushback. It will be exceptionally interesting to watch how these events play out.

Keep your eyes open!

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