Monday, November 12, 2012

Noise floor

Conversely the question must be asked, in the growing interconnectedness of the world is such a process healthy for humans to experience? Will it be healthy for us to lower our noise floor's down to zero when the world that we must function in has such a high threshold? Or will the process intrinsically change society by allowing us to be more aware of how much noise is present. 

the world today is more full of information than it ever has been before, the problem is the signal to noise ratio, the amount of quality information to spam/junk/useless/auto generated/content is very low. Our minds have grown better at efficiently sifting this cacophony for the nuggets of useful valuable information, to allow us to function in a world saturated with information noise. 
Orfield Labs

What does it take to find respite from the worlds noise? Both literally and figuratively, perhaps anechoic chambers/rooms will become more common. I'd personally enjoy a room where everything would be blocked out to allow me to meditate, decompress, and process.

Find your quiet, whatever that might be.

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