Sunday, December 1, 2013


Its all Legos.

Humanity has always looked at systems too complex for understanding with a mixture awe and wonder, similar to the audience of a magician concluding only that there are forces at work beyond what we understand. Every field that is now science has it's roots in a magic wonder. The stars were once the resting place of gods, our bodies were held together by good and evil forces depending of the culture you ask. Where our understanding ended we created myth and magic to fill the dark void of understanding.

The Human body is getting closer and closer to undergoing a similar transition. In the same way that there isn't any mystery to how the earth swings around the sun the human body and the systems it holds are the focus of Galileo's telescope the human body has been revered by almost every religion as divinely inspired or created. As our modern understand of our physical bodies grow religion may have the same impact on our future progress as it did during Galileo's time.

Several biotech developments are maturing which our ability to recreate human systems. The intersection of 3D printing and stem cell creations will lead to the ability to rapidly synthesize new parts for broken bodies. Every researcher when asked how long will it be until they can save someone with this technology always replies with the obligatory answer, putting the solution far enough into the future as to not be considered soon. What is always missed in the follow up questions is how will lateral  technological developments impact the ability of this technology. And just like Legos a single piece is very limited but stack a few together and something entirely new develops out of the parts. No gigantic step forward will bring the human race to any break-through its always a series of small steps that will finally arrive at the easy rebuilding of damaged bodies.

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